ابزارها و تکنولوژیهای مکمل:
Full mastery of #C and ASP.NET Core 6.
Experience in architecture and design of scalable and modular software.
Proficient in MVC, Razor Pages and Web API architecture.
Experience in designing and implementing RESTful APIs.
Proficient in SQL Server, designing Stored Procedures, Indexing, Query Optimization and Performance Tuning.
Experience working with Entity Framework Core.
Full familiarity with CQRS, Clean Architecture, Onion Architecture and Microservices.
Proficient in implementing security mechanisms (JWT, OAuth2, Role-based Access Control).
Familiarity with Asynchronous Programming (Task, Async/Await and Parallel Programming).
Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and TypeScript.
Experience working with one of the React.js/Angular/Vue.js frameworks.
Familiarity with component design and SPA architecture.
Proficient in Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS or other UI Frameworks.
Experience in SSR (Server Side Rendering) and CSR (Client Side Rendering).
Complementary tools and technologies:
Proficient in Git and Git Flow.
Familiarity with Logging and Monitoring Tools such as ELK Stack.
Proficient in SOLID Principles and Design Patterns.
Experience in Performance Optimization and Load Testing.
این آگهی از وبسایت ایران تلنت پیدا شده، با زدن دکمهی تماس با کارفرما، به وبسایت ایران تلنت برین و از اونجا برای این شغل اقدام کنین.